
The Voynich Manuscript

This entry was written by mescanefeux, posted on 16 mai 2016 at 19 h 25 min, filed under Front and tagged , , , . Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

La pastèque

La pastèque (appelé aussi melon d’eau) contient jusqu’à 93 % d’eau. Elle est très désaltérante et peu calorique.

This entry was written by mescanefeux, posted on 9 novembre 2013 at 17 h 44 min, filed under Front and tagged , , , . Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Première greffe totale d’un visage en photo


This entry was written by mescanefeux, posted on 28 mars 2012 at 12 h 51 min, filed under Front and tagged , , , . Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

Un concept de mouvement perpétuel


viaEUREKA : L’énergie infinie !.

This entry was written by mescanefeux, posted on 19 février 2012 at 10 h 19 min, filed under Front and tagged , , , . Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.

1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27,…

En 1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27 ans, c’est opéré lui même pour une apendicite avec une anesthésie locale…

viaiamrickyhoover:nathansummers:In 1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27,….


This entry was written by mescanefeux, posted on 20 janvier 2012 at 11 h 53 min, filed under Back and tagged , , . Leave a comment or view the discussion at the permalink.